The ABA Senior High Youth Retreat is just under a month away, and YOU have the opportunity to support our youth leaders in a practical way for this retreat.

The ABA Senior High Youth Retreat at Camp Caroline is an exciting weekend for our youth to take part in. BUT a youth retreat like this requires some of our faithful youth leaders to come as well...and as you probably know, a retreat costs money.
The retreat cost for the youth is subsidized through the Chad Patterson Memorial Camp Fund, but youth leaders do not qualify for this special funding.
That's where YOU come in!
The cost per youth leader for this retreat is $105, and we are asking if you would consider helping financially to cover the retreat costs for the youth leaders.
Right now, THREE leaders are planning to come.
If you are interested in making a donation for these costs, you can do it through your usual way of donating (cash, cheque, e-transfer, credit card).
Please ensure that you include a note with the donation specifying that it should go to help pay for the youth leaders for the ABA Senior High Retreat.