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Longing and Expectation

Writer's picture: Tawnya HonsTawnya Hons

This fall we will explore two different but connected themes in our open worship times, 6:15-7:15 Tuesday nights. Through November we will explore lament in the psalms and through song. Through December we will sing carols together and explore the hymn writers who wrote them and the scripture they focused on. How do these two distinct genres of music relate? Read below to find out.

Answer me quickly, LORD; my spirit fails.

Don't hide your face from me, or I will be like those going down to the Pit.

Let me experience your faithful love in the morning for I trust in you.

Reveal to me the way I should go because I appeal to you.

Psalm 143:7-8

A child who cries out does so because they are in need and also because they expect that their parent who loves them will do something in their amazing strength and might to bring them out of discomfort. This is true in human relationship and it is also true in our relationship with our heavenly Father. There is much to cry out about at all ages and stages of life, singing songs of lament allows us to bring these needs to God individually or corporately. About 65 of the 150 Psalms in the bible fall under the theme of lament. We don't sing lament to complain or revel in our misery. We sing lament to express our deep longings and sorrows. Corporate expression of lament allows us to become better friends in the shared experience of sorrow. Who better to direct these cries to than the "man of sorrows" (Isaiah 53:3, Mark 8:31). We find ourselves understanding that Jesus relates better than anyone to our suffering. He, our brother, cried out to the Father in his hours of greatest need. And the Father answered him.

That is the connection between lament and carols.

We have the wonderful opportunity at Christmas to sing about what God did in answer to his children's cries. He came!! He stepped out of eternity, entered into the mess, the sorrow, the shame, the suffering and conquered death!

Christ is the Lord! O praise His name forever,

His power and glory, evermore proclaim!

His power and glory, evermore proclaim!

-O Holy Night, 3rd chorus

Our King would not leave us to wallow in the pit but came himself and all who believe in his name will be lifted up and seated beside him. Our loving Father heard our cries when we were in need and in his amazing strength and might he saves us.

Come join us Tuesday nights, 6:15-7:15pm as we sing songs and read psalms together to explore lament/longing (Nov 5,12, 19, 26) and carols/expectation (Dec 3,10,17). There is no performance expectation, just opportunity to worship together. Hope to see you then!



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