The Missions team has had a productive six months, focusing on local community connections and strategic growth. Highlights include a successful Community BBQ and new partnerships with ABA churches. Read bellow the full report to see how your support is making a difference.

The Missions team have enjoyed a God guided and productive six months. We started the year with some strategic direction from the Elders which have further clarified the requirements of this ministry. We welcomed Yesenia Slobodian to the team in March.
Our prayers have been focused on connecting with other ABA churches to help grow missions and increase engagement of the SCCC congregation. We continue to hear God focusing on “local” community.
We have spent time on the following:
Praying for and researching for the Youth Mission Trip.
Connecting with ABA chairperson of “Go Team” Carol Potratz.
Meeting with Calgary “Go Team” representatives which has lead to introductions to other mission team representatives of Renfew, Thornhill and Grace Baptist church.
Praying for ESL classes at SCCC. This has lead to two meetings with different contacts from the Calgary Go Team. Both of these people happen to be old personal contacts to one of our mission team members!
Community BBQ planning for May 30th. This included invitation distribution and talking to the surrounding neighbours. The “My Cedarbrae” advertising was omitted to save funds and didn’t affect community attendance. The mobile sign and food costs were $885.27 and donations totalled $932.40. This was a significant achievement because there isn’t a line item in the budget. Thank you for your faithfulness in your giving and making our guests feel welcome by volunteering. The Community dinners are positively increasing our relationship with the local residents.
Connecting with Narrow Road Home. The missions team enjoyed a lunch hosted by Lynda and Denis Courtney at the “Creperie” in High River. We had a tour of the NRH women’s recovery home and engaged with the lovely clients.
As you can see, God has been faithfully answering prayer and leading us in furthering his kingdom.
Your missions team are:
Sarah Blackmore(chair person)
Derik Simpson(Elder),
Stephen Blackmur
and Yesenia Slobodian.
We can be reached at