Operation Christmas Child is a hands-on project through Samaritan’s Purse that brings joy and hope to children in desperate situations around the world.

A small gift-filled shoebox can have a big impact. What goes into a box is fun, but what comes out of it is eternal.
We’re excited, as South Calgary Community Church is again one of the drop-off locations in our city. In 2022, South Calgary received 948 shoeboxes between November 14-20. And our doll knitters sent along 438 dolls plus 255 other knitted items. In total, Canadians packed 415,072 shoeboxes. WOW!
It’s time to shop the sales and gather items to fill your shoebox. An idea list for kids aged 2-14 is under the OCC bulletin board in the lobby for you to take home. Shoeboxes are available in the church office.
Maybe filling a shoebox is more than you can handle. This year, everyone can help ‘stuff a shoebox’ by bringing items that fit into your budget. By combining all your gifts, we can create more amazing shoeboxes.
Drop off any toys, plush stuffies, school supplies, art kits, puzzles, socks, t-shirts, hygiene items (comb, hair items, toothbrush) to the church office. All items must be new. The deadline for items to ‘stuff a shoebox’ must be dropped off no later than Sunday, November 12. Our volunteer greeters will build the age-appropriate shoeboxes during national collection week, November 13-19.
So, get packing quality items that will last, and don’t forget to make it FUN!