We want to keep you informed about a temporary change in online giving at South Calgary Community Church. For the next three weeks, we are asking those who give through our website to use an alternative method. Scroll down to learn more about why this change is necessary and how you can continue to give.

Hello South Calgary friends,
As you know, there are three ways to give to SCCC:
E-transfer – Send your donation to treasure@southcalgary.church
Online – Give through our website on the “Give” page
In-person – Drop off your offering at the church office
For the next three weeks, we kindly ask those who give through the website to temporarily use one of the other two methods (e-transfer or in-person giving).
This is due to a verification process required by our digital giving platform, Tithe.ly. They are asking all their clients/users to submit additional documentation as part of their security measures to prevent possible fraudulent activity. Gathering these documents will take some time, and until they are approved, any online donations may be placed on hold by Tithe.ly.
We truly appreciate your understanding and support. Thank you for your generosity and faithfulness!
Pastor Sam