This week, we are publishing a special article written by Alex Stark. Alex was baptized at South Calgary on April 2nd last year and has been faithfully attending our Sunday Services since. In this post, Alex shares how his spiritual journal serves as an essential tool in his Christian walk, much like a business plan or a quarterback's playbook. By documenting scriptures, sermons, and personal reflections, he aligns his daily life with God's guidance and strengthens his faith. This post offers insights into the transformative power of journaling and its role in living a life triumphant in Christ. Whether you have been journaling for some time or are just getting started, Alex's experiences provide valuable lessons in spiritual growth.

Why Do I Journal?
My journal is a tool I use so that I can put scripture, sermons, or scattered thoughts into a practical application of the truth. If I am starting a business, I will need an effective business plan to satisfy the stake holders, if I am a quarterback on a football team I would likely need a wristband to assist in calling the best plays the coach wants me to run, if I am sick, the nurse will follow the prescribed therapies the doctor has planned out on my 'chart'.
The journal is my tool so that I can be effective in my Christian walk as I refer back to important scriptures, lessons or meditations on God. It can help me to quickly reset possible error in my thinking, or when I need help with NOT relying on my own understanding, so that in all my ways I acknowledge God. This can apply to whatever I may face during my journey through life. It is my business plan, my play calling wristband, it is my chart!
As I grow in my Christian life, perhaps by sharing some of my thoughts, I may be able to help others live triumphantly in Christ by making connections between knowing truth, having active faith in the truth, and then applying the truth to our own lives.
Alex Stark
Reflections from Mar 29th and 31st 2024
From Alex's Jounal
Easter weekend services from Pastor Russ and Pastor Sam.
God's plan for my redemption, to buy me back from my sinful nature, in a fallen world by the shedding of Jesus' blood, and also Resurrection weekend. Victory weekend...
"...and the curtain of the temple was torn in two" Luke 23:45 This is also described in the gospels of Mark (14:38) and Matthew (27:21). It was torn from top to bottom. From heaven down to earth. God has offered me access to HIMSELF, access for ALL to Himself. Again, the LORD takes initiative. Initiative in my salvation. He loves me. He wants a relationship with me... From top down the curtain was torn. I can "enter the Most Holy Place by the blood of Jesus, by a new and living way opened for us through the curtain, that is His body." Hebrews 10:19.
I have faith that this was God's final 'one time plan for redemption of all humankind'. By His grace I can receive what I cannot earn. It is a gift I cannot work for or pay for. It
is through His mercy I do not have to pay for my own sins and iniquity (all those times I miss the mark). Jesus has paid my debt in full. He is my substitute on the cross for past, present and future sin. Thank you Jesus!
In the Gospel of Luke, Jesus appears to a couple on the road to Emmaus (Luke 24:13) Though familiar with the Saviour, they did not recognize him until after He broke bread with them at the dinner table... How, and when did I recognize Jesus with the 'eyes of my heart'? Knowing and experiencing the resurrection are two different things.
For myself, the experience of the resurrection means my FAITH in ALL that Jesus said and did becomes reality. WHEN Jesus rose from the dead, He proved for ALL humankind He was, and is God The Son.
God is Love. God is Just. God cannot lie.
If God cannot lie, all that he promised and taught through three years with the disciples are my inheritance as a child of God adopted into His family. In fact, all that God promises or reveals throughout scripture applies as truth in my life. That is the Easter message for Me...
I can now, with all faith, claim a promise made by God to me, knowing with ALL confidence that in His timing, if my need is in line with His will and purpose for MY LIFE, I can fully expect my loving heavenly Father to honour his promise as I ABIDE in Him, and He in me. It is as good as done. Trust and obey. remember, waiting on God is obedience to God.
Key phrases: Faith & Abide
Faith: regardless of my circumstance, I have complete confidence in God's character and ability to fulfill His word.
Abide: when I continually receive, believe and trust that Jesus is everything I need. It is to dwell and be present in the love of Jesus.